Anlaby Primary School

Wellbeing and Pastoral Support at Anlaby School

ELSA Emotional Literacy Support Assistants


Here at Anlaby, the emotional development of our pupils is just as important as academic success. We recognise that many children will have experiences in life that can impact their mental health and wellbeing and ultimately, their achievement and progress at school.

We want all of our children to build resilience and flourish, regardless of any set-backs they may face, and we take steps to adapt to the needs of the child in order for them to feel happy, valued, safe and listened to.

Our designated nurture area, The Rainbow Room, is a calm and welcoming space where children can take time out if they’re struggling to cope with a problem. We also have 3 trained ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), who are there to listen and give advice so that pupils can overcome obstacles and make sense of their feelings.

This may be through informal chats or more structured sessions, covering a variety of concerns such as anxiety, anger management, and bereavement or improving social skills. It is also where we hold our lunch club, specifically to help children who have extra needs or feel less confident in the playground during break times.

In addition, staff have received Attachment Disorder awareness training, with key staff members learning strategies that prevent or reduce behaviours often displayed by children who have experienced trauma at an early age. We can, of course, offer advice and sign-post to more targeted services outside of school, for any worries you may have, if required.

If you would like to discuss any concerns over your child’s emotional welfare, please contact their class teacher or Miss Taylor-Wood (Behaviour and Wellbeing), who will be happy to help. Referrals for ELSA support can be made by parents, teachers or the children themselves. 

ELSA - To view a child friendly explanation please click here

Children's Mental Health Week 2021

To support children with their mental health, especially at this difficult time, Miss Taylor Wood has created thes exciting videos with interesting ideas for you to try. So why not give some of our Rainbow Challenges a go!